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A fallen Angel claimed sovereignty

There recently a fallen angel claimed sovereignty and said that Jesus is Satan. It is unbelievable how the deception has shown up in the human world in a very obvious way like this. I tell you, not just individuals but countries that don’t have God as their foundation are disliked in the world as a curse from God. Look at the 3 countries that: 1 is known by the world as being "good" at mimicking/counterfeiting products and bullying their neighboring countries; only without fear of God and without God in their heart can a leader or country perform such evil. The second country is known for threatening the world with evil explosions while the people of their country do not have freedom, and the people of their country are so poor. How wicked and troublesome the evil’s life is, yet they are protecting that garbage and burden at all costs; how unwise! The third one is known as bullying through war; within the last few years, the whole world has not liked them and looked down on them. What a miserable life of a wicked. These 3 countries are examples of godless humans. There are also Satanic groups claiming to be following God, but they love bombing others (they love killing); through research from the faithful Children of God, we find that the person who initiated this group was Hitxxr. Does not matter who you claim yourself as; everyone knows: humans know how to lie; at the end, God judges your motive.

The fallen angel that said Jesus is Satan, that person, looking at the face, he has obvious sanpaku eyes (see attached image). I normally don't give importance to this, but I know some proof evidence about sanpaku eyes in the earlier years through observation. It is bad according to the Japanese’s ancient face reading technique. Based on deeds, this fallen angel does not have much time left unless he repents or receives tremendous chastisements. 

You may claim infinity because that is the nature of God (not yours), but the infinite without God's base is your dead meat of body and impermanence mental states. God is the only light and eternal life.

While he speaks badly about Jesus, he adores lust, fame, and garbage philosophy through his actions. He and his female partner look dirty and are of this world; they thirst for fame, status, looks... This fallen angel is being punished hard. He has issues with his right brain as well. 

A characteristic to recognize deception/Satan is that their speech moves you to philosophy, the world of ego, and complication in your mind, while God’s peace of the Messiah moves you to freedom and miracles and grace. His is hate, jealousy, and egoism (Satan). He does not deserve any money in the near future because the founder of the country he lives in worships God. It is written in US dollars. If he does not even have gratitude for God, he does not deserve the money or anything of that country. Without God, how can he exist? God existed before his brain even formed. It is absurd to see how the created beings/fallen angels perceive life. This fallen angel has none comparing to Trump, and yet, God is Trump's boss. 

The second part I want to say in this post is that the world stage cannot be worse; I see comedy people make jokes in very evil ways, and many are entertained by that; they are actually creating big trouble for themselves. No wicked thoughts should be celebrated or appreciated even when no one is watching. A lot more people would be vanished before the New Heaven can be here; these people don’t belong and don’t deserve Heaven. 

Love God, truth, and God’s creation.


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