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All my cells rejoice when I see his faith and her authenticity toward God

All my cells rejoice when I see his faith and her authenticity toward God. It is not only that the real Jews ( the Faithful) are being able to see the Messiah/ Messiah's information or light more and more clearly now, It is also that all masks from the wickedness have been falling off layers after layers, they can not fake anymore though they want to, now people see the Truth more clearly than ever. Many wickedness are repenting right now for the forgiveness from God. Love God and love Universe.

Note that the Jews or Israelis to me are the ones who believe in Jesus/the Messiah. They can be from any Religions, know that back then Jesus talked to Israelis , that was why he called Israel/Israelis but it is the believers/followers that he talked to. We did not have airplane back then to know other parts of the planet but of Course God knows everything. However, God speaks to human at that time, Israelis means followers , the ones in front of him at that time.

You would see that I use present tense most of the time because It is always NOW when I speak. Love God and Love Universe.


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