The tests that I experience are always an advance ones because the universe knows what level I am . find myself to always facing the lowest/darkest levels of evil that no-one is willing to face. I don't mind to face and bring it to the light of truth, love, and freedom. i already won the darkest devils inside years ago ; the devil outside will no longer defeat me. the result will always turn out to be love, wisdom and the laughter of true freedom in the heart of every being, but before that, it got to be someone who bring those hidden spots to the light. I do not mind and I find myself move higher every-time after bringing those darkness/ evil to the light and share the wisdom of truth to all. the advance tests are building my strength, passion, love, freedom and success for one and for all. They are all documented and proven to transform all the meditators' lives for the better.
I am about to go to the place where for many years and every year, the devils create floods and other natural disasters and loss to many people . there were many wars and lost souls there. stay tune and watch the transformation because after this spot, the light has successfully brought to all the 3 important grids in the country that i love. the transformation will happen, darkness will be vanished and heaven on earth will come into place. After the storm, the Sun WILL AND ALWAYS come out again. this is what make my life fun and full of liveliness.
We love you all. thank you universe