Dear Donald Trump,
My name is Tammie T. I am neither republican nor democrat, I am more of a fan of peace, justice, thrive, and truth. I have witnessed the results that you have done in your presidency term and I have also witnessed the “results” the current one since 2021 "has done" for the world as a whole. The world is now at war and uncertain, that is a fact, including the bad economy situation in America. It is costly and in sum, it is an indirect criminal at a vast level that causes many people to lose their lives, peace, and wellbeing. Not even talking about whether the current one cheated if so that is a real criminal on a world scale because America is being one of the tops if not the top leaders in the world and has an impact on the world in many different areas, especially peace and justice.
I feel like the devils are trying to distract humans toward something that they say you did but is not really clear who has done it but there are a few things that I see very clearly as a leader of my community myself. I do not involve much in politics as I mentioned above but I have observed the main points of what has been shown in my observation, the little people do have evil acts like blaming others for something very small and not clear, and they do have a very deep evil intention is to put people down and destroy them from speaking the truth or rising up for the truth ( probably the truth is against the lie ).
On the other hand, I have seen even the worst thing that you have ever done or want to be done to them is to put them back to the position that they deserve, you do not have a little man’s intention to try to harm them for the rest of their lives or to suppress them or anything of deep evil just likethe way they haven been trying to do on you. In my case, I only stand for justice when it comes to untruthful information about me, never initiating evil actions with people first unless they violate the truth. I am more of a problem solver and I see that in you. You are more of a problem solver and we do see that in all of your 4 years. When the current one took over in 2021, look at the world at this point. Total mess in all directions, not in my world but I am aware of the lives around me. If I can spread my words to all mankind, I would say: “ focus on the results Donald Trump has done in his term for mankind and what the current one "has done” for all mankind, it is not even his midterm and everything becomes a mess especially economy. It looks like it is in the direction of getting worse and they are also trying to suppress Donald Trump who made a difference as a President in all 4 years prior to the mess the one after him has made. This does not make sense to any good leader at all. I would urge mankind to stand for justice and not so much about democrats or republicans. There are bad people and good people in both parties. Just like I am Vietnamese but I do not stand for bad Vietnamese, I stand for good Vietnamese, good qualities of Vietnam. There are good people and there are bad people in every country. It is about good versus evil at the core, not about which side, which country, which state, which family you come from. Even among your family, there are good/ legit members and there are worse ones. we do want the president who can prove to us he is capable and Donald Trump proved that, let him save America before it is too too late. I think you do not want to clean after the mess of others and so Donald Trump but it seems like he do not mind , he is willing to fight and work for the wellbeing of America and the world as large ( proven in his term). Results are key. Words can lie, results can not, results show the work/ the late nights/ the intelligence/ the capability that the president put into it. To all humans, do not let a little men distract you with something very small and we do not know the real plan behind it. Devils have a lot of plans because they can not win by the result/ capability. “ corona" country has alot of plan and many times those plans are of deep evil and has many layers, they are experience in it,watch their older movies ( about year 2000 and back) and you will see their culture. they love to trap people to their multilayer’s plan . Observe and see who is the great guy that is more of result oriented and make it happen kind of guy, guys with those qualities can not be the small guy/ loser at the same time, they do not try to harm or suppress people in an evil way because they have something higher to stand and fight for. Vote for justice and a better America, a better world. We love you all”.
To Donald Trump: I would say turn the game and sum up all of the damage the current one has done as a president for the world (the direct/indirect consequences as a world leader), so people can not be distracted by something that is not clear when they try to focus on you, it is very small comparing to the "world scale criminal” the current one has created. Delusion and incapable are the root of pretty much all crime, use your wisdom to reflect and see for yourself . Humans do make mistakes but the mistakes of an incapable leader of world could costs the world a fortune, cost the world’s peace and much more. If we are only talking about the president of America, choose the best one that has a proven record as a make-it-happen type of president.
They even talk about Fox News not talking too much about you, yes, I think Fox News changed their focus, instead of keeping on proving what is right, they now choose to focus on the cost of “what is wrong” that damages America. Plus, you are being focused by the devils on something that is so unclear and with their very bad evil intentions, I think Fox News is stepping back and observing at this point while they are still fighting for justice from a different angle. We can never have enough time to deal with small people because those people do not have what it takes to focus on greatness, so they are good at the small actions that move them nowhere in the results for mankind as a great leaders. Little people are not sons or daughters of God, the good ones are because they follow what God/representatives of God has done for the benefit of mankind.
Tammie T.
Disclaimer: English is my second language and I am not responsible for anything that I do not intend to harm anyone in any way. I speak based on my observation and I am not a politician to have all the knowledge and all the professional terms to speak my persional point of view. All I do is follow my heart and observe the results people do as president and share it from my perspective, i asked people to look for facts and i shared the facts that i observe. May this be the cause of peace, justice, and success for all mankind. Love you all.