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Thanks God for bringing this to light. This is how it goes when 2 person ( egos) communicate. There is no common ground between egos does not matter how you fake it

Thanks God for bringing this to light. This is how it goes when 2 person ( egos) communicate. There is no common ground between egos does not matter how you fake it. That is why there is confusion, misunderstanding, unhappiness, anger,... as you can see along the video, it is not just happening between different ethnicity but it also happens with people of same ethnicity. The Ego does not love anyone but constantly protecting its false image . I call false image because most people don't know who they are beyond their constant impermanent thoughts and emotions. Happiness does not come from the people around you, it is an inside wisdom. You don't have control over their mouth and what they project has nothing to do with you but it is just how they perceive the world through their belief, it is either through thoughts of sin or love that they belief theirs. Don't look for happiness in people because you don't know/see their subconscious/belief system/energy. Wisdom or authenticity is when you are pure and project purity in the right environment/people who also value that. That is how my community works. Promote love, wisdom, purity and support people to go beyond the ego. We here have real happiness, deeper connection, health, prosperity, and well-being in general. When you are in a state of wellbeing, everything must come into place because your natural purity is where God is and purity itself is the Heaven energy of peace. Sages know people beyond those people know themself, that is why there is no conflict, it is telepathy of higher consciousness/civilization, it is the reality of the New Heaven that we are heading toward. But before human have that ability , all egos must be cleansed/dissolved. That is when you can see reality as it is( beyond your sin), when you don't communicate through sin, your communication flows and flourish and stops all problems instead of creating any because your state of purity cleanse impurity. That is the Truth that if you meditate or belief in God, you see how that purity wash away limiting thoughts before your eyes.

This video is an example of perceptions that causes conflict between human:

Love God and Pure Universe.


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