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The peace that transcend greed, anger, delusions , fear, doubt at all levels are the real teaching and the light of Jesus/Heaven

The peace that transcend greed, anger, delusions , fear, doubt at all levels are the real teaching and the light of Jesus/Heaven, be in that space and miracle naturally happen as each and everyone of you get cleansed by that Holly Spirit of all knowing, all seeing, and omnipotent that is God. Cleansed means cleansing from all sins of greed , anger, delusion, fear, doubt at all levels. Only by faithful in God's light / wisdom, you can be free from all wickedness of Satan. It's is about freedom in the mind by connecting , faithful in God, it all happens in your mind , that is the real place. Seeing God or receiving God is also happen in your mind and your purity determine the accuracy. When you cleanse inside, the Universe reflect that in the outside( outside also gets cleansed as you do) , the light of the children of God always remain on earth for the new Heaven, they advance at all levels of grace daily (for the faithful) . People are awakening by seeing cause and effect right before their eyes, seeing the powerlessness of human/evil and at the same time seeing the real glory of God. These 2 speakers have light but there are limitations they are working on toward better deeds to get to meet the Messiah . That is the practice of all Angels. Only the Truth from the real Messiah true to all and stop wars from inside, Truth from God set all beings free as they believe ( faithful and practice God's teaching in the pure and correct way). Love God and Love you all

My language may not be perfect but the wisdom is beyond perfection , that is what i prioritize.


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