1."One night, I prayed: Dear Happy Buddha Tammie Truong, please help to heal my body and mind. It was amazing, beloved Master! You healed me in my sleep. You stood in front of me and asked: does your voice change? I replied: Yes. Immediately, I felt bliss by your energy. My mind is free. My body and mind were light. You put your hands on my shoulder. Your energy flowed down vigorously and continuously. This is the first time I have experienced something like this. I can not forget that blissful feeling.Human language is not enough to express my deepest gratitude to you. We love you so much – our beloved Master. Thank you so much. I love you all so much. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏🙏
2. "I love to express my gratitude to you and share what I have achieved after attending your 22nd meditation retreat on 04,05 April. After the course, I have practiced living at the Zero point to experience and radiate love and gratitude day by day. Even though my awareness is not yet perfect, I know I’m always doing my best. Since then, life keeps surprising me. In April, I attended your course. In May I bought a site effortlessly. In June I moved to my dream place which is so comfortable, peaceful, bright and sunny and even near my working place. It is very wonderful that I’m so amazed. In July I got a 22% pay rise (my course is No. 22 too 😜💵) while the average pay rise in my company for high performance is 6%. I cried tears of happiness.
Thank you deeply Master Tammie, Van Anh, Love Sharing group, and all beings for helping me to be your student and to be connected with our loving community. It's my great honor, blessings and happiness in this life time.I love you so much. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🙏💙🌍💎💕💕."
3. "Ms Ngan- a student of the 22nd Meditation Course shared us the benefit after Master Tammie answered her question in the 27th Dharma and Meditation speech on youtube:
My dear, after Master Tammie answered my question, suddenly, I felt myself get smaller and lighter. My head was no longer stuck as before, it was extremely liberating and clear. I express my deep gratitude to Master Tammie for choosing my question, thanks to my love Van Anh and everyone!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! "
The original messages in Vietnamese are attached below