In today's world, for the safe-side or to be free from all levels of Satan/temptation. Everyone should only idol God.
Meditation is when you overcome those thoughts by observing them and transform them to infinite wisdom
Interesting, this course # 57 (in few days) i accept a student who lives in Russia.
Just like I said last night, are there people who would like to risk their life to speak good things/results about Kalama?
I wonder who would be the choice of Kamala for Vice President
I attracted this video and videos about victories of the light/righteous
Everyone can be false prophet except GOD
Everything can be bought especially during the endtime/tribulation EXCEPT real peace, morality/ righteousness, wisdom, and the love of God.
This is real disciple of Jesus. This is True Religion, not fight/fear/doubt but miracles through love and faith . Great Warrior
People like this are Religious whether they know it or not. They truly practice God's teaching from pure loving heart unconditionally.
Beautiful faith, facts, and greatness from Donald Trump
The Messiah is born to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, all negativities/mocking toward the Messiah is just to show the Universe who the Antichrist and their followers are.
Very connected information in this video especially the verse:Genesis 6:5
The main speech is beautiful overall except few parts that has nothing to do with God's omnipresent , omnipotent, omniscient
He is the real deal, pure faith and connectedness with God. Love God and Truth.
This is how satan try to get it's darkness/power back through people's anger/confusion
The date that Revelation talk about when glory of the One and the Only appear : Jesus.
Legit, He is heard from Heaven. Everyone should support those who work for peace. The peace that you, your family and all children of God deserve.
Thanks God for the awakening.
It is wow to me that i have been talking about the karma of a person here ( in my retreat) relate to crime spirit
The whole world is awakening toward the law of the Universe: cause and effect. Love God and Truth
This video shows how elephant rescued people because the people have rescued it in the past.
my pharmacist student confirmed to me that medicine are short term because long term would create side affect