The state where we live
The solar storm to Earth
Solar Storm happens right after my meditation course in Vietnamese
Aurora appears in the sky of United States
The sky
God's miracles are real to those who receive it
When i share something of this world
Beyond beauty
She was saved by the light
One of the best videos I have ever watched
All the challenges are to wake people up but the lights are protected
This "You are Here" is so beautiful
We also ask for forgiveness and forgive. We know this is our true protection. The strong wind knock down very big root of trees, but our little small tree outside are just fine...
The benefits of Group Meditation in recent Dharma talks. Love God, the Universe and You All.
Ending Depression When The Truth Is Found.
A Deep Gratitude
The Kingdom is underneath earth's surface
Udumbara Flowers
Today in my livestream, I will share the vibrational sound that can help heal human body
For those who have the eye to see and a clear heart to feel. Observe when I sent energy. I myself receive it as well after all these years.
I am very happy to see more and more people meditate in this world. The world is awakening. love you all and love Universe.
According to that, Brahman means God. The description above described God.